Sunday 24 April 2011

Quintessence Court. quintessence Bank Global Creative Arts Festival

    order to see a priceless collection, one can only Yidufangrong thousands of miles back and forth. Now, many quintessence can be seen in the same place and had to be a blessing.
    hundred took five years for the country's top technology guru, spent nearly 40 tons of raw jade price Matsu jade; jade world's top collectors, called - National Arts and Crafts master Lin Heng Yun, Lin Fei, Lin Dong and his son's fine Shoushan stone sculpture ... ... The quintessence settled in the capital will be eleven, a

    4 25, quintessence Court. quintessence Bank Global Creative Arts Festival in Beijing. This is the capital's most luxurious, nearly a thousand people in the industry come together, only the size and grade to record a record.
    and as a host of activities - Quintessence Court, there is no doubt of great concern by the media.
    a five-star Plaza on how to create the art leisure and arts investment in new models? Why this large collection of famous landing? Quintessence Court how the emerging cultural and creative industries to contribute?
    impression quintessence of Court
    invest 450 million yuan, compared with Beijing's largest antiques, jewelry and other markets has also doubled the integrated area
    the opening day activities,mac brushes, dance
    Quintessence Court Square benefits from Beijing Tong Investment Co., Ltd. invested 4.5 billion, an extension cord Chang'an Avenue in Beijing, CBD East region, to create an area of ​​one hundred and ten thousand square meters of antique Oriental Arts Center, is culture of the country's largest industrial park, more than the capital's largest antiques, jewelry and other markets has also doubled the total area.

    Investment Co., Ltd. Beijing Tong Hui Fang, General Manager Lin Hanwen speech
    quintessence of four on the ground by the Court, four-story buildings, buildings basement composition , in which three main building commercial buildings, according to different themes within the five-star standard decoration, rich, full features. Court quintessence quintessence of the main building for the provincial hall floor, as the representative of Fujian Province, China's top ten arts and crafts industry in a province as the main representative of the provinces into the process industry projects, to show regional culture, brought together the provincial essence. The second floor of Tower One Pavilion will be set to the quintessence of treasures to display modern and contemporary arts and crafts products, such as wood carving, stone carving, ceramics, paintings, crafts and so on, works by national, provincial or creative arts and crafts masters won the national professional organization or national awards demonstrate.
    more unique features is quintessence Court's This unique concept will be in a building of three or four more shows, operating for the purpose of collection, increase the value of the global The so-called Specifically the principle that national essence Court through the Fine Arts global creative culture, commercial value.

    quintessence of Art Bank, General Manager Lin Hanwen in Zhao Shaohua, vice minister of culture to explain
    In addition, gifts from the artists to explore and protect the interests of artists, quintessence Court also strongly encourage and support Chinese artists, especially the talented, young, emerging Chinese artists to produce more excellent works of contemporary visual art, these works of the acquisition, collection, exhibition,vibram 5 fingers, auction, so that more people feel to the top artists of the extraordinary creativity of expression. Through public awareness, appreciation of the favorite process, so that the appreciation of these works, art, art of life

    art collection investment paradise
    collection of artists together to form a For the viewers want to see them all here for, to the Court here is a kind of quintessence of the visual feast. For those who love fine art collectors, artists and investors, here also is their paradise.

    Mengxian Qing, China's largest jade collectors quintessence of the top collections will be assigned to Court; At the same time the family Lin Heng Yun Shou Shi, Lin Fei, Lin Dong and his son will be stationed in the works.
    they are the industry's top collectors and master craftsman, the quality can be described by the possession or priceless.

    Matsu jade Panorama
    According to organizers, treasures, a giant Characters on the screen, architecture, landscapes, flowers, and all use of precious natural jade, stone and pearls, agate, jade, diamonds, fine carved inlay. With natural colors of materials, texture, without any artificial treatment, the overall large-scale works, the picture vivid and lifelike.
    It is reported that the current value of the painting can not be measured by numbers, painting in terms of artistry, creativity, appreciation of nature is unparalleled, is has a very high artistic value of the world works. But as the essence of a common culture across the Taiwan Strait, Beijing quintessence Court hopes to promote the cultural legacy through the culture, inspired by people on both sides of the resonance, the cross-strait harmony, seek common ground to make the necessary line of development contributions. It is reported that the painting be in the
    Chamber of Commerce National Federation of antique industry UPON COMBINATION said that with the surging wave of art collections and national cultural identity of individuals with certain people across the country have registered more than 300 museums, has not registered more than 300. The quintessence of an area of ​​10,000 square meters park folk museum park, is to create a personal style of these collectors world.
    revival of cultural and creative industries
    , Golden Age play jade. The Chinese nation is entering an unprecedented prosperity, but also for the collection industry provides a rare case of opportunity.
    With the rapid economic growth and rising income levels, cultural and creative industries has increasingly become a socialist market economy to promote cultural, spiritual and cultural needs of the people to meet an important means for economic growth contribution to the rise.
    cultural and creative industries sector is one of the best return on investment.
    contemporary society mainly depends on a variety of industry-leading profit independent innovation and technological advances to achieve, and cultural and creative industries is the independent creation and a high-tech category. Policy and market factors coupled with the role, and its capital gains rate is high, cultural and creative industries will be long investment boom. From the consumer perspective, the cultural and creative products are growing consumption hot spots. It can be said, based on the positioning of cultural and creative industries represent a future trend.
    cultural and creative industries to create high-end development environment for creative industries to the brilliant Chinese culture revival, the Beijing Court □ quintessence quintessence Art Bank hold by the Favorite Chinese cultural legacy, brings together the global creative,mac makeup wholesale, to collections, exhibitions,mac makeup, auctions, forums and other forms of high-end business integration, global original arts and crafts, art exhibitions and sales of new creative ideas, creative power of global art fully decrypted, and cultural forces , brand, explore and tap the continuity of modern art industry increase the value of the new model, to create unique, Huitong global
    but 4 at the end of the opening ceremony, from now until September 25, quintessence quintessence Court, the majority of fans will also hold a series of colorful friends, including the Golden Age of Chinese Collection, Chinese and foreign art College Outstanding Sculpture Exhibition, at the XVI International Sculpture Forum,